MEET THE EXECS: Mr. Gbenga Adebusuyi – Deputy Chief Of Staff
Mr. Adebusuyi was the Chief Personal Assistant (CPA) to Chief Bisi Akande, Governor of Osun, from 1999 – 2003. He was responsible for the Design, Establishment and Management of the Governor’s Situation Office, the Programme Monitoring and Performance Office of the Governor as Head, Governor’s Situation Office.During this period, he was a member of the Committee for the Computerization of the State of Osun Government and was involved in or led several projects including:
Development of Policy and Framework for Computerization of Osun Government; Establishment of Osun Public Servants Database and Upgrading of Osun Government Personnel and Pension Administration System; Establishment of Computerized Health Management System;
Establishment of State Government of Osun Computerized Examination Processing Centre for JSS, Common Entrance, and Joint State Primary Schools Examinations; Civil Service Examinations;
Coordination of In- house Computer Proficiency Training Programme for Osun Public Servants;
Design and Implementation of Enhanced Communication Network for Nigeria Police Force, State of Osun Command.
He was involved in the adoption by the Federal Government of Nigeria, of the Global Learning for the Benefit of the Environment (GLOBE) Programme. This is a world- wide school-based programme initiated by the former American Vice-President Al Gore, for the promotion of science and mathematics. Mr. Adebusuyi was the Facilitator and Programme Coordinator in Osun.
From 2003 to November 2011, he was involved in the implementation of the Nigerian eGovernment Programme through the emergence of the Special Purpose Vehicle established by Government to lead the eGovernment Programme Implementation; the National eGovernment Strategies Limited (NeGSt). Mr. Adebusuyi left NeGSt as the Acting Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, on his appointment as the Deputy Chief of Staff to Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola in November 2011.
He has over 30 years’ experience in fields related to Project Development and Management, in different areas of life, including Agriculture, Land and Aquatic Resources Development, Information Technology, and Governance. His career has witnessed remarkable accomplishments in both private and public sectors and at state, national and international levels.
He was a Member of the Joint Implementation Committee (JIC) for the eImmigration Programme which delivered the ePassport; Member, JIC for Electronic Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria eTRCN Project; Member, JIC for eNYSC Project; Member, JIC for eOYOSUBEB Project.
He was also Chairman, Sub – Committee on Strategy, FSS2020 ICT Implementation Committee (Central Bank of Nigeria); as well as being member of the following:
ECOWAS Regional Vehicle Administration Information System (RVAIS) Working Group;
Knowledge-Based Economy Group, Vision 20:2020 First Implementation Plan Committee;
Presidential Committee on The Production of A Master Plan And Road Map For The Implementation of Information and Communications Technology For National Development;
Nigeria National Committee on ECOWAS Vision 2020 Community Development Programme (CDP);
Strategy Committee on the Development Agenda for Western Nigeria (DAWN);
He is a member of the Programme Committee of the International Conference on the Theory and Practice of eGovernance, organized by Center for Electronic Governance at United Nations University (UNU-IIST) Macau, China (ICEGOV) from 2009 till date;
He has attended several local and international workshops and programmes, including: Improving Managerial Competence in Government, by Development and Management Consultants, June, 2002; eGovernment (Nigeria) of the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) at Global ePolicy eGovernment Institute of Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Seoul, South Korea; Leadership Development Tour at UCSI University Blue Ocean Strategy Regional Centre in collaboration with Malaysia Integrity Institute (IIM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia as well as Innovation for Economic Development Programme (IFED) at the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States of America.
He is married to Busola and they have three splendid children.
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