[SPEECH] #Raufnomics Speech By Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola At The Colloquium To Mark 6 Years Of His Administration
Gov @raufaregbesola arrives at the venue of the 1st annual colloquium to mark the anniversary of the 2nd year of his second term in office pic.twitter.com/qIQ65tPXU5
1. It gives me great pleasure to be at the special event organized to commemorate the second anniversary of our second term in office… pic.twitter.com/SX2OahTgBR
2. I must, therefore, thank the organizers for the kind invitation to be at this program and for making me the special guest of honor…. pic.twitter.com/x1EIK5fKU2
3. I cannot but admit that I am flattered by the topic of this symposium, ‘Raufnomics in the Transformation of Osun’. We have had all kinds/
4. /of ‘nomics’. Dr ws ‘Reaganomics’, coined after D economic policies introduced by D late American president, Ronald Reagan in the 1980s.
5. There was also something like ‘Blairnomics’ to describe the economic policies of former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair….
6. Closer home, there were ‘Obasanjonomics’ and Jonathanomics that captured the mumbo jumbo, incoherent and sometimes contradictory but/…
7. /unarguably ruinous economic policies of the PDP in the recent past, the price of which we are still paying today.
8. D’r even whiffs of ‘Obamanomics’,coined to describe D broad sweeping populist economic policies of D outgoing US President, Barack Obama
9. For good or bad, we cannot deny that the policies introduced by these individuals into their administration have profound effects on…/ pic.twitter.com/JZHrDN3d8f
10. /their countries and are indeed epochal. pic.twitter.com/YVcQgQNVFF
11. I guess this must have made the organizers to also coin out ‘Raufnomics’ to reflect how our policies have positively affected Osun…. pic.twitter.com/dd9RoK7zDr
12. As I said recently at the 25th anniversary of the creation of our state, I look beyond now. I am projecting into the next 25 years,… pic.twitter.com/xRqvhpkUBj
13…..where we would be, what our people would be and what they would be doing.
14. We are laying the foundation in every area that would put the State of Osun in a steady progressive path such that even after we have../ pic.twitter.com/cMQHqjRbk8
15. /…completed our term and left, reversing or halting this progress would be difficult, if not impossible.
16. Before coming to office, we did our homework well. We knew that youth engagement was of immediate necessity. pic.twitter.com/Vmzi8Sr7fe
17. In less than 100days after our inauguration, we have engaged 20,000 youths in public works thru the Osun Youth Empowerment Scheme (OYES) pic.twitter.com/AhrH0pmgUb
18. The first impact of this program was that it took a lot of our youths off the streets, gave them focus and belief in themselves…. pic.twitter.com/CkrhUJ1YeF
19. The crime rate in the state dropped significantly afterward. pic.twitter.com/wIM1K2zcaN
20. The second was that the N200 million monthly allowance we gave them (OYES CORPS) reflated the economy of the state. pic.twitter.com/QJejljqvJY
21. The money goes directly into buying food, household items, paying rent, transportation, and other macroeconomic sectors. pic.twitter.com/pzN6Pb6ao6
22. In less than two years, Osun GDP shot to the seventh largest in Nigeria. pic.twitter.com/vYye6IBOpQ
23. The third was that it prepared the cadets for permanent engagement in vocations and other areas of human endeavor. pic.twitter.com/dbNZ9vHqg0
24. Our greatest intervention is in education. The reason is simple. It is through education Dt U define UR today&create the future U want. pic.twitter.com/kNNKDGjelG
25. Humans are d greatest resource & human development primarily through education is D greatest investment that any society can ever make. pic.twitter.com/cC2NLWkyHD
26. We provide free meals for 262,000 pupils every school day. This carries with it empowerment for farmers, cooks and food vendors…/ pic.twitter.com/IHLIwAFrHO
27. /…in a value chain of wealth creation that cascade to at least one million homes in Osun. pic.twitter.com/6JMAGyX03c
28. We provided eLearning tablets to final yr grade 12 pupils in the state. An innovation Dt is nt available anywhere in the world but here. pic.twitter.com/WJhZXvtsE7
29. We have also made the significant investment in agriculture. We realized that food is an integral aspect of national security. pic.twitter.com/AH70vpMTLw
30. No nation is secure that cannot feed its people. Agriculture is also the gateway to industrialization. D history of industrial revolutn/
31../&the recent examples of newly industrialized countries confirmed this. It is inexcusable dt we spend $20bn every year to import food.
32. This will include $700 million we spend on fish. Yet, we have good soil, good climate, the Atlantic Ocean, thousands of miles of inland/
33…./ waterways to give us more than enough food we need. We have consequently empowered our people in various agriculture schemes.
34. Government of Osun has sent two batches of our youths to Germany for further training in modern agriculture practices….. pic.twitter.com/zrousvzSSO
35. We constructed more than 800 kilometers of quality, stone-based roads with concrete drainages across the length and breadth of Osun. pic.twitter.com/XQjASqNDb6
36. These are not just any roads that catch our fancy. They are roads carefully selected because they impacted the most on the social and./ pic.twitter.com/FsRQiDfDe3
37./economic activities of our people. We incorporated the weak and vulnerable groups like the specially challenged, destitute, the aged,./ pic.twitter.com/XBwf4rztWu
38. women and the girl child for special care and attention through special schemes. pic.twitter.com/aLbGTJqvrJ
39. Of course, I do not have enough time to talk about all we have done in six years. I can only mention the highlights.
40. An angry and frustrated commentator in the media rooting for our opponents was wondering why the people keep voting for us even in the
41…midst of the most daunting challenges we face. It is not rocket science. Our administration connects with the people. Pix: O’Ambulance pic.twitter.com/07vgLUfila
42. We listened to them and our programs impact greatly on them. pic.twitter.com/rZQibK7dux
43. Raufnomics simply is about getting as much from little and using the resources of the state to maximally benefit the people. pic.twitter.com/G1gSCXhJpt
44. It is about strategic planning and intervention in society. It is making governance mass based and people-centric.
45. It is guaranteeing the maximum good for the maximum number of people. It is in the words of our avatar, Chief Obafemi Awolowo,…../
46. …/“FREEDOM FOR ALL, LIFE MORE ABUNDANT” in the State of Osun; IPINLE OMOLUABI. pic.twitter.com/m12CmLaSA2
47. The biggest challenge we have had to grapple with is rising expenditure, especially wage bill, within the contrast of falling revenue. pic.twitter.com/WF2cqSfNaZ
48. When I came in as Governor on Nov. 27, 2010, oil was being sold above $100. It crashed to as low as $22 and sells for $48 at present.
49. In contrast, my wage bill rose from N1.4 billion to N3.6 billion. Yet, we must also fulfill our obligation to the people who elected us
50. and gave us the mandate to govern. We have made it a point that no one is left behind by our administration.
51. We are grappling with the challenge of finance and we are doing all within our power to complete all the projects we started.
52. “We are not going to leave any project uncompleted.” – Rauf Pix: Surveillance Helicopter for strengthening security of life and property pic.twitter.com/N0XIaj051X
53. I will like to thank once again, the organisers for inviting me. I thank also the good people of Osun, women leaders, traders, workers,
54. civil servants, the organized private sector, students, traditional rulers, community leaders, political parties, civil society…./
55. ….organizations, our business partners, our supporters and well-wishers, for the understanding, support and sacrifice made on our…./
55. …/behalf these past six years and for the great faith they have in us. pic.twitter.com/FpBcXUHuh3
56 I consider it a great privilege to serve and will forever seek the good of our state I thank you all for your kind attention Osun a dara! pic.twitter.com/aWPIhTVSWA