•Govt begins payment of salaries
•’Protests politically motivated’
OSUN State workers have ended their six-week strike after signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the government.
Labour leaders at the end of the meeting at the Governor’s Office in Osogbo called on civil servants to resume work yesterday.
The government yesterday began paying backlog of salaries. State workers are to receive January and February while local government workers will be paid March and April.
Other payments include those of primary school teachers’ balance of November pensions, outstanding pensions for January and February for retired primary school teachers and March pensions for retired local government workers.
The MoU was signed by the government, Joint Public Service Negotiating Councils (JPSNC), Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC).
NLC Chairman Jacob Adekomi, who spoke on behalf of other labour leaders, said Organised Labour ended the strike when it considered the state’s parlous financial situation.
The NLC chairman added that the government and labour agreed to sign an MoU, following efforts put in place to end delays in salaries.
He said the strike was suspended to appreciate government’s commitment to workers’ welfare.
Adekomi said committees would be set up to screen workers and pensioners.
“Committees will be set up to screen, determine the wage bill, the number of workers, the number of pensioners and their wage bill.”
The NLC chairman called on workers to be more diligent and committed, saying government could only progress when its workers are productive.
Adekomi assured workers that the government and labour leaders would fashion out the modalities of payment for the remaining four months.
Organised Labour dissociated titself from the protests over unpaid salaries.
The unions condemned the protests and described them as “politically-motivated”.
JPSNC Chairman Bayo Adejumo said the protests were sponsored by some fifth columnists, who used the opportunity to tarnish the government’s image.
He added that none of the known labour unions participated or sponsored any of the protests.
“We were not part of any protests neither did we sponsor one. As an organised workforce, we are aware of the constraints of government.
“As at the time we embarked on the industrial action, it was assumed that we had no other choice than to embark on the strike, despite our understanding of the state of funds in the state.
“All the purported protests were aimed at tarnishing the government’s image.
“They were sponsored and the workforce did not participate or organise any. All we did was to order our members to embark on an industrial strike and at no time did any of the unions called its members out for a protest rally.”
Category: Politics
Pictures of the Governor, State of Osun, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola Inspecting the ongoing school project at the Ataoja School of Science on Monday 13_07_2015.
The past few months have witnessed critical and growing press attention to the crippling insolvency of twenty three of Nigeria’s thirty six state Governments, a situation that became public knowledge after several states had failed to pay workers’ salaries for upwards of six months.
This distress has not discriminated against the States in any discernible pattern- by political party affiliation, geographical location, ethnic composition, etc, the usual culprit factors that political commentators often latch on to. Financial distress as grave as this was last experienced thirty two years ago (in 1983) during the reckless Second Republic government led by President ShehuShagari when most of the then nineteen states of the Nigerian Federation ran their economies aground by depleting the dwindling federal allocations that all had depended on without exception.
The reasons for the 1983 salary crises at the State and Federal levels were: drastic fall in the price of Crude Oil in the international market, profligate spending, and white-elephant projects executed with little attention to financial and schedule discipline, and outright theft of state resources. The states, then as now, were heavily dependent on the tempting but unreliable income from Nigeria’s Oil export, which experiences cyclical glut and price fluctuations with the boom-and-bust cycle of the world economy, a systemic problem only occasionally ameliorated when the shock of war jacks up Oil prices in key oil supply markets.
Ironically, it was MuhammaduBuhari, (President of the APC-led Federal Government), then a serving army General who led the military coup that swept away the foundering democratic regime of President ShehuShagari on the 31st of December, 1983, to the relief of many Nigerians who were tired of the politicians and economic difficulties they plunged the country into. We have returned to that terrible past of insolvency and economic stagnation, with some distinct differences.
The country’s population has more than doubled from 68million people in 1985 to 174million today, while the number of states has also almost doubled as if on a cue. Nigeria is now unique in being perhaps the most over-governed but under-administered territories in the world where most of the wealth is arrested from circulation or cornered by officials past and present, leaving over 50% of the sprawling country’s population illiterate, and over 70% of the population in grinding poverty and governments inefficient and the society in decay. And the country has not managed to construct a viable economic foundation since the 1982/83 crash.
Of the twenty three State governments affected by the salary crisis, Governor Aregbesola’s administration has been singled out for a most severe attention about which Ogbeni (as he is fondly called), has agonised in public and in private. The crisis and its virtual grounding of the State’s economy and the resulting harsh situation have left an overwhelming number of government pay-dependent families without alternative income in serious financial and emotional distress.
The strong feelings brought on by months of waiting for salaries the payment of which government workers had long taken for granted has soured the governor’s once excellent relations with labour in the state; however, the generality of the citizenry has shown understanding for Aregbesola’s predicament and still support him. All that will help now is rescue by every means available.
No argument, no matter how logical, will assuage the strong feelings of workers who find themselves stranded and helpless ‘for no fault of theirs’. The Federal government’s immediate financial rescue can forestallturning workers’ frustration into open antagonism, the possibility ofsuch an outcome is being constantly explored by the OsunPDP‘s warlord politicians who are stoking civil conflict with all manners of provocative publications and discredited allegations.
The situation has created a feasting frenzy for faceless hack writers, paid jobbers and ‘critics’ of Governor Aregbesola who churn out damning commentary based on inaccurate data and ill-educated, and coloured observations about the State government’s policies and thestate of things in OsunAregbesola’s often brilliant and biting insights on the political-economic state of Nigeria and his hard extempore jibes unsettle many without a doubt, and they want a pound of his flesh.
Some of the anti-Aregbe opinionates may benefit from informed responses so that the reading public is not misled by the critics’ biases. We are in a season when contract writers resurrect once dead journals for tempting profits in the spirit of capitalistic amoral adventurism, when the sworn enemies of labour and do-gooders primed in the art of exploitation of the disadvantaged swear by mammon that they love the Osun government workers more than Ogbeni, because of this salary palaver.
One reason that Aregbe has been singled out for this hash treatment is because he is seen as the arrow-head of the ‘APC Change Movement’. I ask the critics to not forget thatthe salary payment default contagion actually involves twenty three state governments or nearly two-thirds of the States, as well as the Federal Government of Nigeria, and more States will likely follow unless some drastic measures are taken now to increase available resources, expand government’s revenue base, cut wages, or lay-off workers, or do all four. I shall argue here for the option of shifting or transfer of labour to sectors where they are most needed.
All of these four actions may in fact be needed to get States out of the logjam. It should be borne in mind that Nigeria is a free enterprise mixed economy, and no question about it, at some point we must take that bitter pill.
The wide-spread nature of the salary default tells us that something fundamental is amiss; it is not enough to make a bogeyman out ofAregbesola, whose strength of character and uncommon political vision and coherent theory of governance are only matched in this dispensation by another Comrade, Adams Oshiomhole, Governor of Edo, with some distinct differences. This is not a coincidence but the result of their backgrounds, deep self-learning and immersion for decades in practical matters of delivering public goods. This is what informs the level of social consciousness and astuteness noticeable in their governance styles and their ability to mobilize public opinion with ease. These are the formidable huddles that desperadoes who want to bring Aregbe down face. It is an aberration to pretend to govern a people without passion or a coherent theory. (I shall come back to this point later).
Causes of the 2015 salary default backlog in Osun
•Drastic drop in funds allocated to States from the FederationAccounts
•Direct impact of the 2011 across-the-board pay rise for Government workers
•Large investments in economic infrastructure and social services
•Low IGR
•Effects of the brutal 2014 Osun Governorship electioneering
All of the above factors have combined to create the backlog of unpaid salaries and the general lack of development in most of Nigeria’s states. Aregbesola, easily one of the most communicative State governors in Nigeria, has taken the pain to explain over and over again that the seeds of today’s problem were sown by the astronomic rise in the wage bill due to the compulsory implementation of the new minimum wage set by the federal government in January, 2011, barely two months intohis administration. Osun government employees had insisted at the time on an across-the-board wage increase to reflect the newN18, 000minimum wage, and to drive home their demand theyembarked on a crippling strike action that lasted for several months.
The new government of Aregbesola, compelled to accede to the across-the-board pay rise had lamented that the increase meant that its financial burden rose by three hundred per cent (from N1.4billion toN3.5billion per month!) and that this was unsustainable and would have consequences sometime in the future for the state’s development. But nobody listened or took him seriously.
Late in 2013, there was a sudden drop in funds allocated to the State from Federation Accounts beyond all rational expectationswith the situation becoming worse in 2014.But Nigeria earned $92.752b as excess crude revenue from January to December 2014 (from crude oil sold above the Government’s budget reference price of $65 per barrel),a contradiction of the reason for the drop in allocation.
The cut in allocation made it virtually impossible to fund or sustain government’s commitments. Another factor is the relatively low level of internally generated revenue of the State government, which had actually doubled from N600million in 2011 to N1.2billion per month in 2013. It should be noted that Aregbesola was elected with a mandate to implement major social and infrastructural change in the State as enunciated his green book- “My Pact with the People of Osun” and was duty-bound to fulfill this mandate in best interest of the State.
Aregbesola’s Osun development blueprint and strategy
The Aregbesola administration came in with an Agenda styled the Six-Point Integral Action Plan designed to banish poverty, unemployment and hunger, and restore communal peace and progress and finally to promote functional education as the bases upon which to build a thriving society in Osun.
Bearing in mind that without a strategic initiative to increase its limited IGR,Osun would remain a rural backwater state continuing along the well-worn path of arrested its development, government embarked on a major change project. This involved new infrastructure at various levels, agricultural development and provision of social services and employment generation as the means of building a viable alternative economic base in Osun in place of going cap in hand to Abuja every month.
With the understanding that providing an attractive environment and the right tools for human capacity development will aid productivity improvement, the Aregbesola government pursued key projects and programmeswith three to five-year horizons toward this end.
These have laid astrong foundation for sustainable development in Osun, a notable departurefrom the entrenched preference for short-term goals and high recurrent expenditure of the past.Of course, major infrastructure projects absorb a lot of finance and they do not yield direct revenue to the state’s coffers in the short term, but they impact economic activities far into the future by attracting investors to the state.
A state enjoys a sub-sovereign status as a going concern with longevity, like a nation, and it makes sense to embark on infrastructure development early because inflation is ever on the move, and if one delays, project cost doubles within eight years with inflation at 10% per annum; time makes all the difference.
The quality of infrastructure and efficiency of the services it renders are the keys to economic development and growth, and through their multiplier and knock-on effects businesses will thrive and government’s tax revenue will grow.
The bitterly fought August 9th 2014 Osun governorship elections
Another factor in the financial crisis in the State was the bitterly fought governorship elections and the strains of campaign expenditure in the face of low level state revenue. It was widely reported that PDP in its determination to wrest power by all means from APC in Osun pumped some N15billion into the elections, giving free Kerosene, Rice and cash for votes. Fifteen billion naira is equivalent to five months’ revenue for the State, and this is approximately the amount which had been cut from the state’s federal allocation between January and July in the months preceding the elections! One can imagine the financial demand that a meaningful, if asymmetrical response to this kind of challenge would have imposed on the APC government. The impractical alternative of folding the arms and resigning to fate in the face of the desperate and overawing onslaught by the irresponsible Osun PDP and the PDP Federal Government could not even be contemplated by a seriousAPC government. Ironically, the group of electorates most courted by the PDP during the electioneeringwasgovernment workers and some had gladly lapped up PDP’S inducement largesse – the consequence of which is today’s predicament for all. PDP had believed that it could exploit workers’ grievances to thwartAregbesola’s re-election as was done to Chief BisiAkande’s second-term election bid in 2003. For this reason, the solution to the salary crisis must include a campaign funds reform, eradication of pervasive poverty, abhorring greed and opportunism (andembracing ethical maturity) on the part of the citizenry so as to prevent the corrupt use of money infuture elections.
To survive,the states must face down their wages overburden
Governor Aregbesola had argued strongly back in 2011 that salaries could not be uniform across the country in a Federation, since no two states had the same quantum of resources or cost of living.
He also argued that salaries should not be adjusted across the board in tandem with the new minimum wagesince doing so would increase the gap between the poorest paid and the highest paid, thus eroding the intent of the pay rise and leading the State into insolvency and as well as stalling the its development projects.
During the emotionally-heated debate on the effects of implementing the new minimum wage by the state, Governor Aregbesola in presenting the difficult choices before the new government and people of the state had made it clear to the Unions that if workers’ emoluments outstripped available revenue, government would have no choice than to retrench workers since it could not borrow perpetually just to pay salaries, whilst neglecting the core reason for having a government.
It was noted that State’s revenue could not fully augment the new wage bill if there was a shortfall in federal allocation. Thus, assuaging workers’ demands for across-the-board wage rise by spending all of the state’s earnings on emoluments means leaving nothing for the future, and trusting the future to chance,postponing the evil day.
The governor had also reminded all back then to bear in mind that the Federal allocation to the state was meant for all of the state’s 3.2million residents (now 3.5million), and not the exclusive entitlement of the 40,000 or so State employees and political appointees. This was not a popular position to take at the time, but it was, and still is the plain truth.It was decided instead to work harder to generate more internal revenue for the State, until it could not cope in the months before the August 9th, 2014 governorship elections, and ever since, things have remained difficult.
the euphoria of better pay for as long as it lasted from 2011 to 2013, but it was not long after that the Federation accounts allocation to Osun dropped dramatically from a high of N5billion (Five billion naira) in 2012, to as low as N400m (Four hundred million naira) per month in April 2015. With this, the salary crisis had become an emergency: workers could no longer be paid, and the banks which had been extending credit to government to bridge the ever-widening gap in its obligations stopped extending credit to the State. This effectively brought all activities, including on-going capital projects in the state to a halt. As things stand now, the State’s entire Federal Allocation is exclusively for the benefit of government and its workers;we are operating an unsustainable welfare state that will sooner anger the excluded 98% of the population who fend for themselves. The States and Federal governments owe collectively close to a trillion naira debts for salaries, pensions, bank charges, contractors’ bills, etc without payment of which their economies will remain in a state of paralysis. The injection of cash from the Public Sector through payment of workers’ wages and contractors’ bills provides disposable income that translates intoincome for businesses, traders, transporters, artisans, food vendors, etc, and tax revenue for government. The absence from circulation of this important cash for over six months is deeply felt in the local economy. The cash –flow of a modern State ought not to be so tied to one risky source; this is not good for the future of labour, government or businesses.
The underlying conditions that triggered 2014/2015 salary crisis are a repeat of the conditions leading up to Nigeria’s economic disaster of 1982 because we have not taken to heart the lessons from that era. Like the federal government, most of the States failed to anticipate and prepare themselves to cope with the scale of the financial down-turn again this time because we found ourselves somewhat insulated from the 2008 financial melt-down in the leading industrial economies. Nigeria’s governments after the First Republic have been propped up with Oil income and government organs have been multiplying like mushrooms in theforest and in effect loss-making ventures where budgets reflect neither true costs nor benefits for the citizens.The inability of Nigeria’s dependent States to generate an impactful level of internal revenue is rooted in the absence of a genuine local economy based on industries that are not tied to Government’s Oil revenue and the importation syndrome. Industry is the biggest source of IGR in a normal developing economy.Nigeria’s so-called neo-liberal macro-economic policy centred on importation of foreign goods (in effect exporting Nigerianjobs abroad), and entrenchment of inefficient municipal services, corruption, etc, are all leading to de-industrialization and ever deeperdependency and underdevelopment.This is the result of Nigeria’s so-called development strategy: import substitution turned to import dependency and trickle-down development. If Nigeria’s fortune is to change for the better, this recession gives us the opportunity to confront the realities of our weak and shallow economy. States’ lack of sizeable internal revenue is an indictment of Nigeria’s lopsided federalism whereby the states are mere adjuncts incapable of making any fundamental changes to macro-economic policy, and this makes both State and Federal Governments weak and vulnerable to manipulation by foreign interests. The states are guilty of fickleness, juvenile dependency behaviour and lack of creativity, intuitive initiative and the discipline to follow through good ideas for the longer term benefit of their people because of bad politics- the right things never get done out of fear of losing an election, an all-too-real fear. The great diversity of Nigerian States, cultures and climatic conditions, the bases of complementarity and means of positive competition, two critical ingredients for national economic virility and success have remained unharnessed. This makes Nigeria hostage to a neo-colonial and subordinate mindset of waiting for ‘ideas from abroad’ in a world of developmental competition anchored by a strong sense of national identity, initiative and creativity.
It is time to formulate a thorough-going economic strategy for the country and its component regions with which we can build without further delay a lasting foundation for a vibrant economy and finally change the culture of entitlement and sharing of booty that has become ‘Public Service’ in Nigeria. For example, why should Federal allocation be for payment of government salaries? Federal allocation belongs to the entire population of a state and should be invested primarily in capital formation projects and activities, such as critical infrastructure and direct business opportunities that enhance growth, create jobs and expand revenue), thus enabling the economy of a state to grow. When contractors handling visible construction works that help to create a future for the children of today’s government workers don’t get paid, their workers don’t get paid. Let us treat all workers equally, government and contractors’. A State’s government’s workforce should be paid from the state’s internally generated revenue, and thisshould in turn determine the size of the workforce. No business employs more workers than it can reasonably pay from its earnings, not from donations. We are not in a war-torn zone where disruption of normal life makes charitable donations the only lifeline available. It should be mandatory for government to pay its employees based on performance as it is done in the rest of the economy,rather than continue in the indulgence that is ruining many lives unknown to most of them.
The high cost of generating alternative power with diesel-electric sets has forced many manufacturing companies to move their operations outside of Nigeria while manufactured goods are smuggled in. It is such that even IT and mobile telephone service companies touted as models of growth now prefer to locate their core activities in territories with dependable and cheap power supply. Another serious problem is extortion and collusion by government agents and officials who facilitate the exporting of capital that is badly needed for development at home. The number of manufacturing companies in an economy that is the biggest consumer of imported goods in Africa is not unexpectedly small for all these reasons. Until there is a change from this economic policy and the negative operating environment, Nigerian states will continue to generate very low levels of IGR and attract only a handful of desperate ‘businessmen’, not genuine investors and manufacturers. A trickle-down economy works like the filter blocking the passage of the solidsin a stream (such as targeted investmentsin resource utility maximization and talent development) the building blocks of a production and manufacturing economy; this means thatthe pivot on which our IGR hope hingeswill be built only when we have a different kind of development policy.States’ IGR breakdown shows that they are dictated by Nigeria’s importation-centred economic policy which kills industries and bloats up the bureaucracy- the reasons why the States are unable to grow their IGR substantially. The absence of industries has meant that most of the states depend on Government workers’ PAYE tax for fully 50% of their IGR, a great irony whose meaning is better understood now that government is unable to pay its workers. It is an absurd kind of economy. Other sources such as licensing fees (vehicles, radio, TV, etc), real estate land charges, tenement rates, markets rates and rents, and the least of these, Private Sector small businesses’ taxes, (including PAYE) in a healthy and diverse economy should be contributing at least 60% of the IGR.A few states Lagos, Anambra and Osunhave managed to invest in construction and industrial manufacturing ventures. Anambra has no debts primarily because the state under Governor Peter Obi failed to embark on any long-term vision-driven project, typical of a former banker who fearsto take the pill they shove down the throat of borrowers. But the future will come sooner and Anambra will find itself ill-prepared to deal with its infrastructural bottlenecks.Infrastructure-led development, investing in Agriculture,industrial entrepreneurship and human capital development and tools, not patching up what we have today, are the keys to long-term competitiveness.
The Osun State government has provided free train services for residents, who wish to travel home for the Eid-el-Fitri celebration.
In a statement by the Director Bureau of Communication and Strategy, Office of the Governor, Semiu Okanlawon, the government announced that the free train service would be offered between Thursday and Sunday.
Okanlawon said the train would by 11am convey people from Lagos to Osogbo on Thursday. The return journey would start by 11am on Sunday.
He noted that the gesture was in line with the Rauf Aregbesola’s administration’s initiative to make life better for the people.
Okanlawon said: “The Aregbesola government is people-friendly. A government totally committed to unlocking the potentials in our people.
“And we must sustain the strategy we have employed to ginger our people’s interests in coming home and also enhance the state’s tourism potentials.
“We, therefore, use this opportunity to urge our people to grab this unique opportunity provided by the government and join the ride to spend the Eid-el-Fitri holiday in Osun.”
Pictures of the Governor State of Osun, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, the Speaker State of Osun House of Assembly, Hon Najeem Salaam , the Deputy Governor of Osun, Mrs Titi-Laoye Tomori and the Chairman of The Triangular Group of Pensioners at the Group’s Solidarity Visit to Rauf Aregbesola at his Governor Office, Abere, Osogbo on Monday 13_07_2015

Governor State of Osun. Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola (Middle), Speaker State
of Osun House of Assembly, Hon Najeem Salaam (left), Deputy Governor
of Osun, Mrs Titi-Laoye Tomori (2nd left), Chairman of The Triangular
Group of Pensioners, Prince Rotimi Adelugba and Thr Group Coordinator,
Mr Sunday Opadotun, during the Group’s Solidarity Visit to Rauf
Aregbesola at his Governor Office, Abere, Osogbo on Monday 13_07_2015.

Governor State of Osun, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola ( Middle), Addressing
the Triangular Group of Pensioners, during a Solidarity Visit to the
Governor in his Office Abere, Osogbo on Monday 13_07_2015.

Governor State of Osun, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola ( Middle), Addressing
the Triangular Group of Pensioners, during a Solidarity Visit to the
Governor in his Office Abere, Osogbo on Monday 13_07_2015.

The Triangular Group of Pensioners in Osun pays Solidarity Visit to
Governor Rauf Aregbesola, Abere, Osogbo on Monday 13_07_2015 .
Pictures of the Head of service State of Osun, Mr Sunday Owoeye and the Chairman of the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC), Comrade Jacob Adekomi, during the Signing of Memorandum of Understanding Between the Labour Unions and State Government to end seven week strike, at Government Secretariat, Abere on Monday 13-7-2015.

Head of service State of Osun, Mr Sunday Owoeye(right); Chairman Nigerian
Labour Congress (NLC), Comrade Jacob Adekomi (left), during the Signing of
Memorandum of Understanding Between the Labour Unions and State
Government to end seven week strike, at Government Secretariat,
Abere on Monday 13-7-2015.

Head of Service State of Osun, Mr Sunday Owoeye (right); Chairman
Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), Comrade Jacob Adekomi (2nd left); State
Joint Public Service Negotiating Council, Mr Bayo Adejumo (left),
during the Signing of
Memorandum of Understanding Between the Labour Unions and Government
to end seven week strike, at Government Secretariat, Abere on Monday

Head of service state of osun, Mr Sunday Owoeye(2nd right); Chairman
Nigerian Labour Congress(NLC), Comrade Jacob Adekomi (2nd left); State
Chairman Joint Public Service Negotiating Council, Mr Bayo Adejumo
(left); Permanent Secretary Human Resources and Capacity Mr Sunday
Olajide (right),
during the Signing of
Memorandum of Understanding Between Labour Unions and Government to
end seven week strike, at Government Secretariat, Abere on Monday
The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), Joint Public Service Negotiating Councils (JPSNC), and the Trade Union Congress (TUC), of Osun state on Monday dissociated the Unions from the protests embarked upon by a group of people in the state which the group claimed was over unpaid salaries.
The Unions after calling off the 6 weeks industrial action in the state on Monday used the opportunity to condemn the protests in its entirety and described the protests as “politically motivated.”
The Chairman of JPSNC, Comrade Bayo Adejumo and the NLC chairman, Comrade Jacob Adekomi answering questions from journalists after they signed a Memorandum of Understanding to end the industrial strike, said it was important for them to tell the world that the strike was not their idea.
Adejumo noted that all the protests were sponsored by some fifth columnists in the state who saw the good opportunity in the issue of the non-payment of salary to tarnish the image of the Aregbesola-led government.
He also added none of the known Labour unions in the state participated or sponsored any of such protests.
According to him, “We were not part of any protests neither did we sponsor one, as an organised work force we are aware of the constraints of the government hence the understanding we entered to call off the strike to allow for staff personal verification to determine the actual strength of the state work force.
“As at the time that we embarked on the industrial action, it was assumed that we have no other choice than to embark on the strike despite our understanding of the state of funds in the state.
“All the purported protests by some faceless human rights groups are aimed at tarnishing the image of the government.
“They were sponsored and the state work force did not participate or organise any, all we did was to order our members to embark on industrial strike and at no time did any of the unions called it’s members out for protest rally”. The Labour boss emphasised.
He advised workers in the state to remain steadfast and committed to their work, adding that no worker will be penalised or victimised for their stay at home while the strike action lasted.
On 7 July, Dr Charles ‘Diji’ Akinola, Head, Office of Economic Development and Partnerships (OEDP) and Coordinator Osun Rural Enterprise and Agricultural Program (O-REAP), led a seven- member team of representatives from O-REAP, OEDP, Osun Ministry of Agriculture, and the Office of the Surveyor General to Ibadan. The visit was to begin the process of formalizing an agreement on the use of the 200 ha at Agba Ogun –one of the areas of high agricultural production allocated by the Osun State Government to IITA for the next 49 years.
The Osun State Government had allocated the land to IITA as part of efforts to ensure that the majority of Osun youth and farming families in the neighboring communities and farm settlements will be able to maximize crop yields and increase the productivity of their farms through certified seeds of high yielding improved varieties, best-bet agronomy, and crop protection practices. The farmland will be supervised partly by O-REAP which is energetically seeking to ensure mass production of food in the State.
Dr Akinola said that it was also part of Government’s attempt to reduce dependence on crude oil and to shift to agriculture with the target of capturing 10% of the total food bill from neighboring Lagos State, currently estimated at USD 23 billion. “The State of Osun relies on IITA with over 45 years of award winning research to achieve this feat” Dr Akinola said. He added “In the next couple of years, we expect to have a site in Osun where IITA can visibly show the practical impact of its research…We are also looking at a situation where IITA can have a positive impact on the lives of small-scale farmers occupying about 30,000 ha in 28 communities around the allocated site through research that will provide them with opportunities. We also expect IITA to develop creative ways of integrating agroforestry into the farming systems. We expect approaches that work in the State of Osun will be successful across southern Nigeria, especially focusing on crops such as cocoa, oil palm, plantain, maize, and cassava.”
Dr Kenton Dashiell, DDG Partnerships and Capacity Development, disclosed that IITA intends to conduct research directly relevant to address the needs of the farmers in the area whilst ensuring the long-term sustainability of the land. Specifically, IITA plans to deploy scientists to conduct research in the area and the IITA Youth Agripreneurs will start a project to multiply high quality and clean planting materials of plantain and cassava for surrounding communities in the next three years.
“One of the things fundamental to our work as a research institute is the long-term sustainability of the land,” said Dr Dashiell. “We want to do our work in the State of Osun 100 times even better than we did in Ibadan, therefore we will focus on preventing soil degradation …we also do see a great need to work with established youth groups in Osun.”
He added, “IITA sees this proposed innovative partnership as a big win for the people and the Osun State Government and believes that over the years it will grow into a very productive relationship for all concerned. It may become a model for how State Governments in Nigeria and all over Africa can partner with research organizations to make sure the research conducted is relevant and that the results are taken to the farmers as fast as possible.”
Dr Robert Asiedu, IITA Director West Africa, emphasized that IITA was committed to invest in the work planned in Osun to ensure top quality results, particularly in land use planning. “We hope to demonstrate that land can be used in a very sustainable fashion on this site over a long period,” he said.
To push the agreement into real action, Dr Stefan Hauser, Root and Tuber Systems Agronomist at IITA, and Ms Sylvia Oyinlola, IITA Regional Administrator, will deploy the GIS team from IITA to map the entire area and open access roads along the boundaries. This will give IITA immediate access to set up trials, demonstrations, and multiplication fields to serve the farming community so they can start benefiting from IITA’s expertise without delay, pending the signing of an MoU formalizing this partnership.
Photos of the Governor State of Osun, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, inspecting a School named after a former Military Administrator in the State, Antony Udofia Elementary School Osogbo, at the weekend.
Traditional rulers in Osun on Friday appealed to workers in the state to call off their industrial action in the interest of peace, progress and development of the state.
In a release signed by 15 prominent Obas from the state, the royal fathers said the workers have genuine ground to go on strike but at the same time, must protect the interest of the state.
Speaking on behalf of the monarchs, the Akinrun of Ikirun, Oba AbdulRauf Olawale Adedeji, said the traditional rulers express sympathy for workers, government and the people of the state because all parties are being affected one way or the other.
The monarchs stated that it is a convention that both government and workers have joint responsibilities to serve the people of the state.
According to them, both government and workers are both servants of the people and the state.
They said based on the overall and collective interest of both the state and the people, it is pertinent for the workers let off their guards and end the industrial action.
“We sympathise with the workers, so also we sympathise with the government. We also sympathise with the people of Osun State for they are also affected in one way or the other by the financial crisis.
“We want to commend the labour unions, particularly its leadership for comporting themselves. We salute their endurance. We want to appeal to them to bear with government. We can assure them that from what we have seen, things would soon come out well,” the monarchs said.
According to them, nobody needs a crystal ball gazer to tell that the government of Aregbesola means well as it has turned around the state in the last five years.
They noted that the era when Osun was referred to as a glorified local government and Osogbo, the state capital as a glorified capital, has gone with the enormous development Aregbesola has brought to the state.
They continued, “One does not need to look at the crystal ball to know that the Aregbesola administration has in the last four years been busy turning the state around in all ramifications.
“This is the government whose presence is felt in all the nooks and crannies of the state. This is the government that had been paying workers’ salaries as and when due.
“This is the government that has introduced novelty by paying bonus to workers at the end of the year; that is the 13th month salary.”
They stated that government ran into troubled waters owing to the national financial crisis the whole nation is struggling to wriggle out of.
They therefore warned that the current situation should not be politicised by those who are seeking to capitalise on the situation to score political points.
The monarchs equally appealed to the government to intensify its effort geared towards resolving the problems.
The monarchs who signed the statement are: HRH Oba Wahab Oyedotun (Orangun of Ila); Oba Jimoh Olanipekun (Ataoja of Osogbo); Oba Rauf Olayiwola Adedeji (Akinrun of Ikirun); Oba Samuel Abioye (Olokuku); Oba Lookman Adesola Fadipe (Owa of Otan Ayegbaju); Oba Rasheed Ayotunde Olabomi (Aragbiji of Iragbiji).
Others include: Oba Kilani Adekeye Oyedare (Oloyan of Oyan); Oba Joseph Oladunjoye (Olunisa of Inisa); Oba Rauf Olaniyan (Elende of Eko Ende); Oba Ashiru Olatoye Olaniyan (Olobu of Ilobu); Oba Jimoh Olaromoye Olatoyan (Aree of Iree).
The others are: Oba Adetoyi Adetunlurese (Onirun of Oke-Irun); Oba Yahaya Elugbaju (Obajio of More, Ile-Ife); Oba Samuel Idowu (Akesin of Ora Igbomina) and Oba Lawrence Makinde (Oluosin of Aba Oni).