Vision of the Ministry
Promotion and protection of the fundamental human rights and interest of Women and Children in order to bridge gender inequalities for empowerment with a view to tapping their potentials for an inclusive development in Osun State while the agent of improving the Internally Generated Revenue of Government as much as it is visible through social service delivery.
Mission of the Ministry
To render effective and efficient social service by providing physical, emotional, financial, spiritual, psychosocial support and care, amongst others, for improved quality of life in families and especially commitment to gender mainstreaming and the empowerment of Women and Children in Osun State
Profile of the Ministry
The Ministry of Women, Children and Social Affairs was carved out of the defunct Ministry of Information, Social Development, Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sports on 27th July, 2007. It aims at rendering Social Welfare services to improve the lives of the people in the State especially the women and children.Â
Our programmes and activities are aimed at promoting care and empowerment of vulnerable women, orphans and vulnerable children thereby reducing to the barest minimum any form of violence against persons especially the women and children who are the most at risk
Statutory duties of the Ministry
The statutory duties of the Ministry amongst others are
- promotion of welfare of women;
- stimulation and motivation of women for better standard of living;
- educating, promote planning and importance of child care;
- mobilizing women collectively, in order to improve their general lots and ability to seek and achieve leadership roles in all spheres of life;
- encourage recreation and enrich family life;
- provide and expand recreational facilities to channel the energies and Intellect of the child for positive development;
- promote public enlightenment and advocacy on preservation of our cherished Cultural and moral values of the family institutions;
- reconcile broken homes and prevent neglect of children by their parents through settlement of disputes among parents;
- reform and rehabilitate delinquents and mal-adjusted children through preventive institutional and curative programmes as well as provide adequate care for the disabled, destitute and other disadvantaged children;
- protect and ensure the up-keep of abandoned children through the provision of Materials and alternative homes through adoption for the purpose of rehabilitation;
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- promote the welfare of the development of the child;
- promote the full utilization of women in development of human
- resources and bring about their acceptance as full participants in every phase of national development, with equal rights and corresponding obligations.
- promote responsible motherhood and the maternal health of women.
- stimulate actions to improve womenâs civic, political, cultural, social and economic education; support the work of Non-Governmental organization and play a co-coordinating role between Government and women organizations;
- encourage the sense and essence of co-operative societies and activities among women both in the urban and rural areas and stimulate in them creative entrepreneurship in the field of cottage industries and small scale industries;
- promote the rights and welfare of the child and meaning of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child and National Policy on the Right of the Child;
- work towards the prevention of all forms of child abuse and neglect in the State.